July 15, 2024

Our patent about the electrosynthesis of ammonia (BR1020240035607) has been licensed by BGEnergy.

July 1, 2024

Prof. Raphael Nagao was selected to be member of the 2024 JACS Au Early Career Advisory Board.

September 14, 2023

Prof. Raphael Nagao was selected to be an affiliate member of the São Paulo State Academy of Sciences (ACIESP) in the period of 2023-2028. An achievement of many minds and hands working together for a better science.

March 1, 2023

Prof. Raphael Nagao was invited for a talk at the symposium Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage” held at B-MRS 2023 (Annual Meeting of The Brazilian Materials Research Society), Maceió, Brazil.

January 25, 2023

Prof. Raphael Nagao was elected to be the Chair of the Brazilian section at ECS (The Electrochemical Society) along with Prof. Fábio H. B. Lima (vice-chair), Prof. Cecília C. C. Silva (secretary) and Prof. Maiara O. Salles (treasurer).

August 29, 2022

Prof. Raphael Nagao was selected by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations to represent Brazil in the Low-Carbon Technologies session hold at the 7th BRICS Young Scientist Forum.

May 31, 2022

Prof. Raphael Nagao was elected to be the Director of the Physical Chemistry division in the Brazilian Chemical Society for a period of 2 years.

December 21, 2021

Prof. Raphael Nagao was invited for a talk at the symposium “Oscillation, Pattern Formation, and Active Motion in Nonequilibrium Chemical Systems” held at Pacifichem 2021 (The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies), Hawaii, USA.

June 3, 2021

Prof. Raphael Nagao participated as the lead organizer of the symposium “Complex and Dynamic Electrochemical Systems” held at the 239th ECS (The Electrochemical Society) Meeting, Chicago, USA.

March 1, 2021

Prof. Raphael Nagao received the Research Productivity Fellowship (level 2) from CNPq (306352/2020-6). This is an outstanding achievement!

November 23, 2020

Our research was highlighted in the Blog Sínteses (Folha de São Paulo) by the journalist Mariana Pezzo.

November 20, 2020

Prof. Raphael Nagao was invited for a plenary talk at the II SBEE (Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Eletroquímica e Eletroanalítica).

August 25, 2020

ElectroEnergy’s work was highlighted in the Agência FAPESP (and many other science websites). We’re very proud of such achievement!

June 24, 2020

Prof. Raphael Nagao talked about Self-organized Materials at the “Fronteiras em Eletroquímica e Eletroanalítica: Avanços Realizados por Jovens Cientistas”, as a plenary presentation.

October 3, 2019

Prof. Raphael Nagao was elected to be the Secretary and Treasurer of the Brazilian section at ECS (The Electrochemical Society). Administration with Prof. Luis F. P. Dick and Prof. Adalgisa R. Andrade.

January 1, 2018

ElectroEnergy is now part of the CINE (Center for Innovation on New Energies). A research center created by FAPESP and Shell (17/11986-5).

June 30, 2017

Prof. Raphael Nagao was chosen by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences to participate in the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau, Germany! He took a picture with the Nobel Laureate Rudolph A. Marcus and got a signature on his seminal paper about the theory of electron transfer: Marcus, R. A. J. Chem. Phys. 1956, 24, 966.

October 1, 2016

This is the day the ElectroEnergy was launched! We’re full of energy and dynamically engaged in electrochemical sciences! High Voltage Rock’n Roll!

October 1, 2016

Prof. Raphael Nagao received an extremely competitive research grant from FAPESP called Young Investigators (16/01817-9).